View Profile Crosswinds
Just a stupid kid, plugged into the stream of the soul, the blood of love, the brain cells of the mind: music

Age 34, Male


Bryan, Tx

Joined on 8/1/08

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Ok, all who read this, i'm not gonna lie to you: I'm pissed.

Why? let's back up a bit.

I work a lot of hours in a movie theater behind the counter at the concessions bar (food, drinks, ect). And for a while, i was pretty happy. Until I was introduced to Phillip Beach.

I will say this, he is a nice person, sometimes. He's a good person to talk to, and he likes to have a good time.

HOWEVER! Do not be deceived by his actions. He is the cataclysmic spawn of this generation.

I had a long day today. I was supposed to work an 8:30 AM shift until 3:30, PM but i was talked into staying all day (and i kinda need the money,) so i stayed.

It was actually rather nice in the morning. aside from the usual packs of kids, it was rather calm... and lonely. Usually, there are at least 2 guys running the entire concession booth. Phillip forgot that he had an 8:30 shift, So a whole bunch of managers started yelling at me for no reason, saying i should have called someone to help me. How was i supposed to know he wouldn't come in? I call him at 9:40, asking if he'd help me out. he does. at 1:30 PM. Furthermore, he shows up and instantly expect me to pick up all the crap customers so that his 'perfect' stats will get him a raise. i did it, only because he's worked here for 5 months, and i'm about to quit, so fine. whatever. I ask the same of him when i'm slammed and he's got no line at his register, and he doesn't lift a finger.

He continually resorts to violence to resolve his problems. He asks daily if i wanna put on boxing gloves and fight him, or some other physical challenge. I won't lie, he's kinda scrawny. he's got like 4 inches on me, but he's really thin. half of me wants to laugh when he says this, and the other half wants him to shut up. I want someone to kick his ass, so he'd finally shut his mouth, but i haven't hit the weights in 4 years..

He repeatedly defiles my trust in him. I asked him to take out trash, a sucky job, but completely sane request. He didn't do it, saying it "wasn't his responsibility". It's EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY, DOUCHEBAG! I fill out my drawer with candy and lock it up for the night, telling Phillip to his face that he needs to do his candy list (the managers come and fill out candy based on sales, then lock the entire cabinet) Each drawer is a separate person's responsibility, so i tell him to do his. he agrees, but doesn't do it. I had to do his list while everyone was waiting on me to leave for the night. After the candy was delivered, the managers told us all but Phillip could leave (and Phillip had to stay, fill out candy, and cleat out a mini-fridge, yet he still blames this on me!)

I also cannot trust him to do anything. I needed hours because my weekly scheduele was wiped out by a computer's mistake. So my managers told me to take other people's shifts. Phillip came to me and asked if i'd take his. he promised me $20, so naturally i took it.I did his shift, and then ask for my money. he hands me 4 $1 wrapped in a $5. Son of a cheap bastard can't even keep a promise. Still owes me $11.

He is the shining example of everything i hate about the current generation. He:
1. continually treats women and anyone who does not agree with him as inferior to him,
2. considers everyone inferior to him as his army of butlers, only to serve him,
3. whines like a 2-day starved chihuahua when he's forced to do actual work
4. resorts to violence in every situation, whether it needs it or not.
5. defiles promises, and
6. is a stingy, cheap bastard.

If you are reading this, Phillip Beach of College Station, Texas, I hate you and every fiber of your being. The molecules that make up the cells in your brain have become motionless, devolving you to nothing more than a neanderthal, one who can barely be called human. I want my $11 you owe me, I want you to have an epiphany about your current actions and repent, and I want you, if nothing else, to GROW UP AND STOP TRYING TO USE VIOLENCE AS AN ANSWER TO EVERYTHING! I hate you with a more fiery hate than the heat of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 suns! I really hope you atone for these almost inexuseable actions, for i hate to see another human life get cast down into the Pit of Hell for no real good reason.

To the Newgrounders, I'm sorry if this offended you in any way. i needed to get this off my chest. I mostly feel better, and will probably say this to his face tomorrow if i see him.

On a much lighter note, I'm gonna have some new music within the week, so stay tuned!

Thanks for listening to an old(er) man ramble...

Crosswinds AKA Matthew Prince


Recent Game Medals

3,230 Points

Like a watermelon 5 Points

Finish cam 8

Let's walk in my direction 5 Points

Finish cam 4

Unzipping in the No-Fly Zone 25 Points

Finish one third of the levels.


Complete Inception The Game in under 30 seconds.

Death By Slow Internet 10 Points

Get 1000 points on the Preloader game. YOU MONSTER

A tiny trial 5 Points

Score under 400 on the Squiggleville MicroTrial.

Fight Expert 5 Points

Got rank S in any stage

Atari wouldn't like it 10 Points

Destroy 30 asteroids during the story sequences

Autopilot to LV-426 10 Points

Complete Planet 1


Allow a fish to die and plug his own hole.